Dmytro Polovynka

Russia to Europe invasion plan if Ukraine surrenders

Why doesn’t Ukraine simply surrender?

Don’t support Ukraine with weapons, it will only prolong the war

You don’t want Russia-NATO war, right?

Only warmongering nations support Ukraine, they don’t want peace

Have you heard these statements? The reason behind is a very peaceful one. War is destruction, if Ukraine surrenders, suffering will end, a big war won’t start. We don’t want a big war, right?

So what’s wrong with these statements? In short, by this logic, if Ukraine surrenders, then which other countries should also surrender? Should Moldova surrender? Should Poland surrender? France, UK, Italy?

I will try to show how this logic of “surrendering to avoid a big war” can lead to Russian occupation of large parts of Europe. Let’s suppose Ukraine surrenders and becomes a Russian puppet…

Back to USSR

Obviously next countries occupied will be Moldova and Georgia. They have already territorial disputes with Russian-speaking population (Transnistria, South Ossetia and Abkhazia). These countries should surrender, because war brings destruction.

Next Armenia and Azerbaijan. No, Turkey should not intervene, because that would mean a NATO-Russian nuclear war and we don’t want that.

Next will be all the Central Asia countries — these should peacefully surrender not to wage those horrible wars. Because surrender is the best strategy. So now, apart from Baltic states, USSR is back.

Non-NATO countries

Obviously next will be Finland and Sweden — these are still not in NATO. And why would NATO fight for them? We don’t want NATO-Russian war, don’t we? These two countries should simply surrender. All support for them would prolong the war.

Ireland is also not in NATO, it’s too small, and should surrender immediately, as soon as Russian warships come to it. Why would Russia want to invade Ireland? Because Irish-speaking population is oppressed in Ireland, all people are forced to speak foreign language — English, which is a main language of NATO. So the reason is pretty obvious — help the poor Irish speaking Irishmen. Remember — best strategy is to surrender.

Austria and Switzerland should also be occupied, but it’s difficult, because they are surrounded by NATO countries. What next?

Back to 1997 borders

Now Russia will ask NATO to move back to 1997 borders — they already asked it once. Did all countries hold referendums to join NATO? For instant Slovakia referendum failed. Not to directly confront Russia, NATO will move back to pre-1997 borders, with Russia occupying Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro (did I name all?). None of these countries should fight Russia — they should all simply surrender, as Ukraine did.

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria and Switzerland can be easily occupied now, since they are not NATO members. Remember the strategy — surrender.

Not back to 1997 borders

What if NATO disagrees to go back to 1997 borders? This will be trickier for Russia. But still possible. Some countries can volunteer to exit NATO, for instance Slovakia or Hungary — first failed a NATO referendum, second has a strong anti-NATO sentiments right now, and it seems Hungary supports Russia anyway. One of these countries may simply “invite” Russian army not to fight with them. Or they may say “Russia is going to attack us, but we don’t want war, so we give up NATO membership”. You see, hybrid war can have various faces.

Hungary would be best for Russia (they will in turn receive parts of Slovakia and Ukraine later). Then Russian forces can peacefully come to Serbia (they are friends after all) all the former Yugoslavian republics can suddenly find out that they oppress Serbian minorities, and the civil wars will ignite. Surely with some background Russian support, but Russia will not be directly involved in the war — same as in Crimea or in Donbas (ha-ha). What can NATO do with civil wars? Nothing actually — this is an internal country problem. Many if not most of the Serbian fighters will have a strong Russian accent, but who cares?

Needless to say — in any case Austria and Switzerland will be occupied as non-NATO members. And remember: strategy is to surrender.

Starting civil war in Slovakia is pretty simple — there is a large Hungarian minority. Baltic states have large Russian population. Poland will be complicated, but since Ukraine is now under Russia, the Russian speaking Ukrainians (because how would you distinguish them from Russian commandos and there are lots of Russian tourists around) will start a civil war against Polish oppressors. And Russia will always support the oppressed. Not directly intervene — so no big war will start. Sooner or later rebels will win and install a pro-Russian government. Actually — why would governments even fight against rebels? If they do — Russia will accuse them in starting a genocide (as Russia accused Ukraine). That’s a bad thing. Don’t fight rebels. Surrender (best strategy — remember?)

During this process NATO will suddenly understand that the 5th article does not work as intended. At all. And that would be a precedent.

Attacking NATO

Since Ireland is already occupied… Well — have you ever thought about a civil war in Northern Ireland? What if IRA suddenly started having strong Russian accent as well (they pronounce the letter R similarly, no-one would notice). Civil war in Wales and Scotland with Russian accent? You may think this is impossible, but no-one back in 2012 thought that there would be a war in Ukraine. Russia would not directly intervene into Scotland and Wales, no-no. Rebels will fight their way through with the help of a Russian humanitarian aid.

NATO promised Yeltsin “no inch eastward”, did you know that? So why Eastern Germany has NATO soldiers? Eastern Germany should immediately surrender to Russia. Since Berlin is in the Eastern Germany, and it’s a German capital, Western Germany will quickly join. If not — there will be a civil war between Eastern and Western Germanies. “We are a single nation” Eastern Germany would say.

Who’s left from NATO? Italy, where Fascism was born? Or Spain with Portugal which were also fascist for a long time? Do you think Russia believes that Fascism is gone there? Fascism should be eliminated. Macron will talk with Putin by phone, while Russian forces will pass through France and attack Spain.

Will NATO start a nuclear war just to protect Italy, Spain and Portugal, if most of Europe is already under Russian control? Do you really want the nuclear war to start?

Attacking USA

OK, so NATO block disintegrates. Next Russia will take Alaska back (who needs that northern state anyway) — because it was a Russian colony long time ago. Should USA start a nuclear war just to protect snow and mountains?

Russian empire with Alaska Will Russia go further? Should Canada surrender or you want a Quebec rebellion against Anglo-Saxon dominance? Should various states of USA surrender (remember — USA is not 1 state, but 50 of them). Why all of USA does not simply surrender? Do you really want a nuclear war? If USA fights — they will be called a warmongering country. And remember the surrender strategy.

Taking over the world

I don’t think I should continue. If every country surrenders, then taking over the world is a super-simple task. Do you really mind that much to speak Russian? At least the big war will not start.

Everything written above is not a pure imagination. Russia expresses a wish to bring Russian Empire or USSR back. Moreover they want to wage war with NATO (actually they already think they are fighting NATO). And they do want to dominate Europe and destroy their biggest opponent — USA.

But don’t be afraid. Put that Russian self-study book back. Ukraine will not surrender. Surrender does not seem to be the best strategy after all. Neither is a fear of a big war. Ukraine will fight for its freedom. And for freedom of other states.